How Do Active Seniors Manage Joint Pain?
Aging affects all of us. In particular, aging can make enjoying physical activities more difficult. That’s unfortunate, since staying physically active is one of the keys to happy and healthy senior living.
One of the most-cited physical issues related to aging is joint pain. Chronic joint pain can stop seniors from enjoying their favorite sports or make it harder to take up new activities. But by adopting some smart strategies, many active seniors have learned how to manage joint pain and continue living their best lives. Here are some of their strategies.
They’re smart about their exercise choices
Exercise is one of the keys to successful and happy aging. Many studies show a direct link between regular exercise and benefits for seniors – disease prevention, better balance, improved mental health, and enhanced cognitive function can all be tied to regular exercise.
But as we age, even the most active seniors may find that the kinds of exercise that suited them in their youth may cause trouble now. 60 to 70 years of wear and tear on the joints may rule out the long runs and pickup basketball games of their younger years.
Smart seniors adapt their exercise routines to their aging bodies. Low-impact exercises like swimming or cycling will keep the cardiovascular system in great shape, while yoga, tai-chi, and smart weight programs will keep muscles toned and joints flexible without adding extra strain to the body.
They eat a healthy diet
A healthy diet has many benefits. Diets that are rich in healthy vegetables and fruits not only help manage weight but also provide a defense against pain-causing inflammation defense against pain-causing inflammation. In particular, smart seniors steer clear of processed foods, saturated fats, and red meat – all of which contribute to pain-causing inflammation in the joints.
They use anti-inflammatory supplements
While exercise and diet are effective strategies in managing joint pain, natural supplements have shown benefits in reducing pain-causing inflammation. But finding the right combination can be a difficult and time-consuming task.
A doctor-developed and tested supplement combination like UnFlame Herbal Supplement is a smart choice for many seniors. UnFlame targets the body’s internal processes that cause inflammation. Combined with exercise and a balanced diet, it can help active seniors stay fit and live better lives.