All Natural Plant-Based Relief


UnFlame Herbal can reduce or completely eliminate the pain caused by chronic inflammation.

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Here’s why UnFlame Herbal is the smart choice for treating pain and discomfort:

Physician Crafted Formula

A physician crafted this formula for himself, using the best scientific research, the best plant-based ingredients, and the best lab testing. No compromises.

Smart Herbs

Our smart blend of herbs targets the metabolic processes that cause pain while supporting the healthy function of your joints and muscles.

Targets Inflammation

Unflame Herbal addresses the root cause of inflammation. Other products only mask the pain or have serious side effects. We want you to really feel better, not just mask the pain.

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Customer Reviews

  • The UnFlame capsules began to work within the first day, and by the fourth day, my pain was eliminated. I am very grateful for the relief
    you have afforded me.

    Bethesda, MD, age 34
  • I took two UnFlame in the morning and one in the evening. The next day, I tried two in the morning and one in the evening. Really, I can tell you that I feel great. I’m getting better. I’m going to let other people know.

    Asbury Park, N.J., age 74
  • UnFlame is AWESOME! My foot stopped hurting, and my ankle stopped hurting. The next day I felt a difference. The back of my heel was swollen since my surgery; It was unbelievable; My shoe fits!

    Herdon, VA, age 51
  • I have had a shoulder problem for years — impingement syndrome with secondary arthritis. My range of motion is 80% better and the pain is about 80% less.

    ★★★★★Carol Diamond MD
    New York City, New York